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Synopsis of Meeting of Thursday, November 7, 2011

The meeting was called to order by Karen Halley at 4:00 pm.
In attendance: Karen Halley, Jim Robinson, Donna Cross, Joe Sullivan, Jan Wilbur, Susan Marsh.

1. Minutes were approved from the meeting of September 26, 2011.

2. The future of H@H:

Karen reported on her conversation with the Town Manager about whether Help at HOME should become an official Town Committee. If we became a Town Committee, members would be appointed by the Manager. Current members felt that the committee should remain independent, but comply with the rules of Town Committees by posting meetings and minutes on the Town website. [Addendum: Karen subsequently learned that only Town Committees can be posted on the Town Calendar, but Help at HOME minutes and information are currently on the H@H page within the Town website.]

It was felt that committee members do not need the personal protection of being a Town Committee, because no one on the committee decides how money is disbursed. Any money the committee expends directly, for example to print booklets, is donated specifically for that purpose, and does not come from money solicited from private citizens.

There was discussion about whether the committee should disband except for the treasurer, since money is raised automatically via envelopes in the Light bills once a year. Members are needed to update the booklet every two or three years, but otherwise the committee does not have any current activities.

3. Treasurer's report: July through September 2011, received $600, disbursed $350.

4. Emergency reference manual: Jan Wilbur has joined the committee and will be checking all of the booklet entries for relevance and accuracy.

The committee decided to meet again in February. It was suggested that we continue meeting twice a year, in February and October, but no vote was taken. The meeting was adjourned at 4:45.

Minutes taken by Susan Marsh.